Hi All! This past weekend I went a-visitn' to some friends' house. I got to see my buddy Sam:
And Pippin (is it me or does he look kinda scary in this picture?):
We also got to hang out with Dune and his ever present Frisbee:
We met some other dogs too! This is Tucker and he is the newest NEBCR rescue dog. He's just a little tyke and he doesn't know much yet. You might have noticed him in the picture I posted of me earlier. That's because I am good with puppies so I was allowed to play with him. Dublin was allowed to play with him too, but Limerick had to pass because he isn't very patient with lil' puppers. Dublin said that is kind of "I-RON-ICK" considering how much patience Limerick required as a puppy...
Finally we got to meet this guy:
His name is Breckin (Gaelic for freckled) and despite his size, he is only 7 months old. He is the Boss Lady's new foster dog. Why does the Boss Lady have two foster dogs you ask? Well, she doesn't. I also got to meet my forever family on this trip! They drove a really long way (in a snowstorm to boot!) to come get me. They were very excited to be taking me to live with them. The Boss Lady said I would get my very own calf to herd and lots of room to run and play once I'm all healed up!
So, once again, I want to thank everyone who donated to NEBCR so I could have my surgeries. Thanks to you, I can look forward to many more years of pain-free running and playing like every other border collie my age.
Take care,
Finnegan, Finally Beginning Again....
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